Power Berry Smoothie


Who knew blenders could make something besides margaritas?

Power Berry Smoothie in progress!

Power Berry Smoothie in progress!

This morning, day 6 on my new vegetarian meal plan, I decided to try a smoothie. I know what you are thinking – where’s this guy been? Smoothies have been popular for years! Well, remember my middle name up to this point has been bacon, and on occasion I go by scrapple or sausage. Breakfast? The norm has been a cup of coffee and Starbuck’s version of the Egg McMuffin. Fruit that wasn’t baked in a pie never entered my diet.

So today, instead of a bowl of fresh fruit – my “new normal” breakfast since last Monday, I gave my best attempt at making a smoothie. Based somewhat on a recipe from Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, Eat to Live, here is my own recipe:


3 full leaves of Romaine lettuce

1 cup of frozen raspberries

1 banana

1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds

1/2 cup of almond soy milk


Put everything in the blender and liquify. Easy! Don’t skimp on the time; the seeds (both sunflower and those from the raspberries) will need time to grind up. If you want, you could always grind up the sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder first.

When done, pour into a glass and drink it right down. The frozen raspberries will help give your drink just enough chill. And the banana? Not too overpowering, a common complaint from friends who have imbibed prior at local smoothie establishments. The sunflower seeds, and I was somewhat skeptical on this one beforehand, gave the fruit drink just enough hint of nut flavor. I wouldn’t add or subtract from the teaspoon amount.

Overall – a winner!

DJ's Power Berry Smoothie - ready to drink!

DJ’s Power Berry Smoothie – ready to drink!

8 pounds down. 40 more to go!